Page Tags Archives: Sorbonne

Between history & politics

Alphonse de NEUVILLE. Cromwell à la bataille de Worcester. Gravure sur bois In L'histoire de France racontée à mes petits-enfants, tome 1 de François Guizot, Paris, Hachette, 1877.

The first half of the XIXth century was a particularly favourable era for the study of history. After the unprecedented events which, between 1789 and 1815, had radically changed France and Europe, it was the responsibility of the new generation to make sense of what had happened and to understand the world they were entering […]

The Ministry of Public Instruction

When, on October 11th 1832, François Guizot became the seventh Minister of Public Instruction of the July monarchy, he had for a long time been a recognised specialist of education issues. Since 1812, he had been professor of modern history at the Paris Faculty of Humanities, and even his most committed opponents agree that he […]