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The heritage policy

As soon as he entered the government in August 1830, Guizot endeavoured to embed the new regime in the continuity of national history, in order to strengthen its legitimacy. In his opinion, history could be a powerful force of social cohesion and sustain a need for national pride by illustrating the importance of France’s past. […]


D'après Paul BAUDRY (1828-1886), Léopold FLAMENG, Portrait de François Guizot. Gravure extraite de la Gazette des Beaux-Arts. XIXème fin. Coll. privée. Cliché François Louchet.

François Guizot, born in 1787 during the reign of Louis XVI, was one of the most prominent figures in France and in Europe for over half a century until his death in 1874, when Mac Mahon was President of the newly established Third Republic. A Protestant bourgeois, he was considered to be the greatest historian […]